Cessna 414AW of JDW Aviation at its home base of Lahore Walton airport. Cessna 414AW Ram VII is a pressurized aircraft
with a ceiling of 30,000 ft. The Ram conversion was done by the Ram Corporation in 1999. The aircraft came to Pakistan in
December 2003 and as of now we have flown it for 450:00 hrs. The aircraft is equipped with a GARMIN-530, GARMIN-430, GNS,
KMD-850 Moving Map and MFD, Storm-Scope, Multi-profile color Weather-Radar, Terrain Warning, EGPWS, Terminal Collision
Avoidance System (TCAS), Electronic Fuel Computer, HSI, Nav-Alert, fully Auto-pilot capable of making ILS approaches by
itself. Photo taken May 2004
Photo Credit Salar Abbasi